Buat kamu yang pengen nyari duit dengan mengikuti survey berbayar, aku udah melakukan riset selama dua minggu, tiba-tiba nemuin situs ini waktu surfing.
Aku riset lagi satu minggu, hasilnya ya posting ini.
Mungkin ada yang udah tau. Buat yang belum tau aja....
nama situs : www.thesurveysurfer.com
Tapi buat kamu yang memang serius Aku saranin baca dulu komen-komen yang aku buat di bawah ini. Komen aku buat berdasarkan riset tiga minggu yang aku lakukan tadi. Bla,bla,bla yang gak pentingnya udah aku coret untuk menghemat waktu kita.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
What if I told you that it's possible to make easy money sitting in the comfort
of your own home - would you believe me? Would you even believe me if I
told you it's FREE?? Yes, you can easily make money sitting on your
computer while doing nothing more than answering as many questions as
you feel like doing. Other sites charge you for their lists but The Survey
Surfer won't! I think access to the survey companies should be freely
available to everyone who wants to make money just like I've been doing for
over 3 years!!
Singkatnya: Kita semua bisa dengan mudah dan gratis mengikuti survey-survey berbayar ini. Aku udah menggeluti ini selama 3 tahun.
Komen: Hmmm
participating in research panels for some of the largest companies in the
world and there's a lot of money involved. By giving the survey panelists a
little extra money they can hope for real advice on their new products or
your shopping habits. These companies would rather dish out $10,000 now
than try promoting a new product later and lose millions. If you do as many
surveys as you can in your spare time you WILL be making a lot of extra
Singkatnya:Kamu bisa pingsan gara-gara ngisi survey (mungkin gara-gara kaget lantaran ditimpukin mulu ama duit). Perusahaan2 ini lebih baik bagi-bagiin duit 10rebu dolar buat biaya survey produk barunya, ke kamu-kamu, daripada ntar produknya bangkar di pasaran gara-gara gak laku.
Komen: Hmmm, oke,... aku pingsan dulu aja kali yaaaa.....
It's true that you can make good money from taking online surveys. That's
not my only source of income but it sure does help out. And yes, there are
some people out there taking surveys for a living. By signing up with all the
free survey sites listed at The Survey Surfer, there's a good chance you'll be
making a good amount of money. If you live in the U.S., you'll be making a
lot more money than the rest of the world, but anybody outside the U.S. can
make some extra cash regardless of location - possibly $100's!
How much will the companies pay you?
Expect to make anywhere from $2.00-$150.00 per survey. The highest
amount I've had was $75.00 but normally they'll be less than $20.00 unless
they're longer than usual. When you get into focus groups and product
testing you will sometimes see more money but it depends on the survey site
and the company involved. Be prepared to enter a lot of sweepstakes since
many companies would rather pay 1 person a large amount rather than
10,000 little rewards. Sometimes the odds are as good as 1 in 100 so there's a
good chance of winning the smaller draws more frequently. In March, 2005,
I won $2500 - my first big win and hopefully there will be more. As for the
smaller draws, I've won $100 draws 3 times and a $250 draw! There's also
the occasional $25-$50 gift card that comes my way. It sure adds up and I
look at these like a free lottery!
Singkatnya: Kalo kamu warga amrik, bisa dapet banyak banget, diluar amrik bisa dapet 100dolar. Kamu dibayar 2-150 dolar per survey, tergantung durasinya. Untuk survey yang dibayar pake undian, aku pernah dapat 2500dolar, bla bla bla
Komen:100dolarnya per apa bro, per hari? per bulan? atau per abad? Yang undian, aku ga minat.
Don't pay for a paid surveys list!
There's websites that will actually charge you for their survey lists. NEVER
Singkatnya: Ini udah jelas
Komen: Setuju Maaaas.
2. See if it's worth it!
3. Set up a separate email address strictly for your surveys.
4. The more market research companies you sign up with the better.
5. Be quick in responding to your surveys.
6. Choose a username and password that's different than the other's you
would normally use with email, banking etc.
7. Always read the first email the companies send you.
Singkatnya: Ini tips-tips mengikuti online survey.
1. Jujur mengisi formulir
Ini vital banget, gak usah nanya kenapa harus jujur
2. Jangan ikutin survey yang bayarannya rendah
3.Bikin akun email yang berbeda untuk tiap perusahaan survey
4.Daftar ke sebanyak-banyaknya perusahaan survey
5.Cepat merespon sebuah undangan survey
6.Bikin username dan password tersendiri untuk "bisnis " ini
7. Selalu baca email pertama yang dikirim perusahaan yang kamu daftar
Komen:Oke, bagus tipsnya. Tapi untuk tips no.3 aku rasa malah agak berabe. Saran aku bikin satu akun email baru untuk semuanya, jangan pake email utama.
Survey Companies FAQ's
Why do these companies pay people?
Each year, billions of dollars are spent on advertising and research by some
of the biggest companies in the world. They want to make sure they're living
up to what the customer wants so they pay the survey companies to conduct
polls on public opinion about them. The research companies then pay you in
turn for your time.
more money but that doesn't mean there's no money available to the rest of
the world. Trust me, you will make money regardless of the country you live
in, although, some countries will obviously have more survey invitations
than others. If you live in Zimbabwe you will have nowhere near as many
invitations as someone living in New York City, but you WILL receive
them! The amount you make will depend on the number of surveys you do
and how lucky you are when it comes to draws. If you start getting involved
in focus groups you'll be getting a much higher compensation for your time
because these usually require you to visit the research company's office.
So how much money is that?
Anywhere from $2.00 to $150.00 or maybe more. There's also the draws
which can reach as high as $50,000.00. Again, it depends on the time you
put into it and how lucky you are. I've had weeks where I've made $500 and
other weeks I've only made $2.00. Remember, the more companies you sign
up with the better chance of making more money.
Komen: Kayaknya ini agak menjawab pertanyaan kita tadi, kalo dia bisa dapet sampe 500 dolar seminggu, mungkin buat kita-kita yang diluar amrik bisa dapet 100dolar per minggu. kalo 100 dolar perbulan, meningan gua mangpret aja deh.
What are the profile surveys for?
A lot of companies want you to fill out profile surveys on their own site. This
tells them your interests and helps narrow down the selection of panelists
they have to send invitations to. As boring as it can be at first, by all means
fill these out! If you don't a lot of companies will not send you any surveys
because they don't feel you're serious enough and they don't know anything
about you.
make this work you need your name everywhere. Picking 10 companies and
then waiting is a waste of time in my opinion. If you want to make some
extra cash be sure to sign up with all of them because the company you don't
sign up with could be the paying kind.
But there's still a lot of draws!
Yes, there are, but there's also a good chance of winning the smaller ones. I
fill these out depending on the compensation for my time and I don't fill all
these surveys out unless I have time. I won't waste 1/2 hour to get another
ballot in the annual draw. That's a complete waste of time to me because I'm
not that lucky. As for the smaller draws, the odds are usually really good - 1
in 100 for example. I usually fill these ones out and it's paid off for me 4

Komen: Ini lumayan penting. Kita jangan ikutan yang ngebayar pake undian. Ikut aja yang pasti-pasti yang bayar kes pake dolar.
Sekarang gimana cara mereka membayar kita?
1. Pake PayPal
2. Ada juga yang pake cek dikirimin ke alamat kita.
Buat yang belum punya akun paypal daftar di sini:
Tiap perusahaan mbayar dengan cara yang beda-beda, variasi dari keduanya. dan membayar ketika mencapai limit penghasilan, biasanya 20-50 dolar dan kita harus merequest pembayaran itu. Ada juga yang otomatis masuk PayPal kita.
Aku udah coba semua list yang ada di situs ini, kalo dikumpulin semua bisa lebih dari 300 perusahaan di seluruh dunia yang merekrut orang-orang untuk bergabung di online survey ini. Kebanyakan dari US dan Kanada. Sementara yang khusus melayani pasar internasional aja ada
188 perusahaan...!
Tapi percaya deh sama aku, aku udah nyoba daftar semuanya kemaren ini, sebagian link afiliasi-nya Mas ini, banyak yang broken.
Selain itu aku juga udah menyingkirkan sebagian perusahaan-perusahaan yang tok hanya menawarkan undian bulanan doang. Ngapain ngabis-ngabisin waktu cuman buat ikutan undian yang kemungkinan menangnya tipis banget, iya kan? Cek lagi aja, siapa tau ada yang kelewat.
Tapi kalo kamu ngotot pengen ikutan semuanya, nih link-nya
Buat kamu yang mau terus lewat sini :
1. Aku 100% gak menjamin kamu bisa dapat duit dari sini. Aku sendiri baru nyoba minggu kemaren. Baru dapat sekitar 10-an undangan survey.
2. Mas ini bilang dia udah cek semua perusahaan yang ada di list-nya. Katanya dia cuma ngasih yang bonafit aja, dan bukan scam. Tapi kita jangan terkecoh. Kita coba aja bareng-bareng, kedepannya kalo ada yang scam, atau ada temen yang udah pernah nyoba ternyata scam, cepat kasih komen di sini biar temen-temen lain yang baca posting ini ga ikut-ikutan buang-buang waktu.
3. Aku gak menjamin semua link disini nggak ada yang broken. Buat memudahkan kita semua, aku ngasih link langsung ke homepage-nya aja ato ke halaman sign-up. Bukan link-link afiliasi seperti yang dikasiin sama Mas ini.
Oke,... selamat mencoba.
Sesuai yang aku janjiin:
Aku riset lagi satu minggu, hasilnya ya posting ini.
Mungkin ada yang udah tau. Buat yang belum tau aja....
nama situs : www.thesurveysurfer.com
Tapi buat kamu yang memang serius Aku saranin baca dulu komen-komen yang aku buat di bawah ini. Komen aku buat berdasarkan riset tiga minggu yang aku lakukan tadi. Bla,bla,bla yang gak pentingnya udah aku coret untuk menghemat waktu kita.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.
The BEST free list of paid surveys on the net!
What if I told you that it's possible to make easy money sitting in the comfort
of your own home - would you believe me? Would you even believe me if I
told you it's FREE?? Yes, you can easily make money sitting on your
computer while doing nothing more than answering as many questions as
you feel like doing. Other sites charge you for their lists but The Survey
Surfer won't! I think access to the survey companies should be freely
available to everyone who wants to make money just like I've been doing for
over 3 years!!
Singkatnya: Kita semua bisa dengan mudah dan gratis mengikuti survey-survey berbayar ini. Aku udah menggeluti ini selama 3 tahun.
Komen: Hmmm
Earn $20.00 - $100.00 an hour!
You'll be surprised how much you can earn from taking surveys. You'll beparticipating in research panels for some of the largest companies in the
world and there's a lot of money involved. By giving the survey panelists a
little extra money they can hope for real advice on their new products or
your shopping habits. These companies would rather dish out $10,000 now
than try promoting a new product later and lose millions. If you do as many
surveys as you can in your spare time you WILL be making a lot of extra
Singkatnya:Kamu bisa pingsan gara-gara ngisi survey (mungkin gara-gara kaget lantaran ditimpukin mulu ama duit). Perusahaan2 ini lebih baik bagi-bagiin duit 10rebu dolar buat biaya survey produk barunya, ke kamu-kamu, daripada ntar produknya bangkar di pasaran gara-gara gak laku.
Komen: Hmmm, oke,... aku pingsan dulu aja kali yaaaa.....
Making money from free surveys
It's true that you can make good money from taking online surveys. That's
not my only source of income but it sure does help out. And yes, there are
some people out there taking surveys for a living. By signing up with all the
free survey sites listed at The Survey Surfer, there's a good chance you'll be
making a good amount of money. If you live in the U.S., you'll be making a
lot more money than the rest of the world, but anybody outside the U.S. can
make some extra cash regardless of location - possibly $100's!
How much will the companies pay you?
Expect to make anywhere from $2.00-$150.00 per survey. The highest
amount I've had was $75.00 but normally they'll be less than $20.00 unless
they're longer than usual. When you get into focus groups and product
testing you will sometimes see more money but it depends on the survey site
and the company involved. Be prepared to enter a lot of sweepstakes since
many companies would rather pay 1 person a large amount rather than
10,000 little rewards. Sometimes the odds are as good as 1 in 100 so there's a
good chance of winning the smaller draws more frequently. In March, 2005,
I won $2500 - my first big win and hopefully there will be more. As for the
smaller draws, I've won $100 draws 3 times and a $250 draw! There's also
the occasional $25-$50 gift card that comes my way. It sure adds up and I
look at these like a free lottery!
Singkatnya: Kalo kamu warga amrik, bisa dapet banyak banget, diluar amrik bisa dapet 100dolar. Kamu dibayar 2-150 dolar per survey, tergantung durasinya. Untuk survey yang dibayar pake undian, aku pernah dapat 2500dolar, bla bla bla
Komen:100dolarnya per apa bro, per hari? per bulan? atau per abad? Yang undian, aku ga minat.
Surveys for Everyone
Don't pay for a paid surveys list!
There's websites that will actually charge you for their survey lists. NEVER
Singkatnya: Ini udah jelas
Komen: Setuju Maaaas.
Tips for doing your surveys
1. Always be honest when you do your surveys.2. See if it's worth it!
3. Set up a separate email address strictly for your surveys.
4. The more market research companies you sign up with the better.
5. Be quick in responding to your surveys.
6. Choose a username and password that's different than the other's you
would normally use with email, banking etc.
7. Always read the first email the companies send you.
Singkatnya: Ini tips-tips mengikuti online survey.
1. Jujur mengisi formulir
Ini vital banget, gak usah nanya kenapa harus jujur
2. Jangan ikutin survey yang bayarannya rendah
3.Bikin akun email yang berbeda untuk tiap perusahaan survey
4.Daftar ke sebanyak-banyaknya perusahaan survey
5.Cepat merespon sebuah undangan survey
6.Bikin username dan password tersendiri untuk "bisnis " ini
7. Selalu baca email pertama yang dikirim perusahaan yang kamu daftar
Komen:Oke, bagus tipsnya. Tapi untuk tips no.3 aku rasa malah agak berabe. Saran aku bikin satu akun email baru untuk semuanya, jangan pake email utama.
Survey Companies FAQ's
Why do these companies pay people?
of the biggest companies in the world. They want to make sure they're living
up to what the customer wants so they pay the survey companies to conduct
polls on public opinion about them. The research companies then pay you in
turn for your time.
How much money will I make?
That's up to you. I've mentioned before that Americans will possibly makemore money but that doesn't mean there's no money available to the rest of
the world. Trust me, you will make money regardless of the country you live
in, although, some countries will obviously have more survey invitations
than others. If you live in Zimbabwe you will have nowhere near as many
invitations as someone living in New York City, but you WILL receive
them! The amount you make will depend on the number of surveys you do
and how lucky you are when it comes to draws. If you start getting involved
in focus groups you'll be getting a much higher compensation for your time
because these usually require you to visit the research company's office.
So how much money is that?
which can reach as high as $50,000.00. Again, it depends on the time you
put into it and how lucky you are. I've had weeks where I've made $500 and
other weeks I've only made $2.00. Remember, the more companies you sign
up with the better chance of making more money.
Komen: Kayaknya ini agak menjawab pertanyaan kita tadi, kalo dia bisa dapet sampe 500 dolar seminggu, mungkin buat kita-kita yang diluar amrik bisa dapet 100dolar per minggu. kalo 100 dolar perbulan, meningan gua mangpret aja deh.
What are the profile surveys for?
tells them your interests and helps narrow down the selection of panelists
they have to send invitations to. As boring as it can be at first, by all means
fill these out! If you don't a lot of companies will not send you any surveys
because they don't feel you're serious enough and they don't know anything
about you.
I signed up with some survey companies before but got nothing
but draws - there was no cash!
You obviously signed up with some of the wrong companies. In order tobut draws - there was no cash!
make this work you need your name everywhere. Picking 10 companies and
then waiting is a waste of time in my opinion. If you want to make some
extra cash be sure to sign up with all of them because the company you don't
sign up with could be the paying kind.
But there's still a lot of draws!
Yes, there are, but there's also a good chance of winning the smaller ones. I
fill these out depending on the compensation for my time and I don't fill all
these surveys out unless I have time. I won't waste 1/2 hour to get another
ballot in the annual draw. That's a complete waste of time to me because I'm
not that lucky. As for the smaller draws, the odds are usually really good - 1
in 100 for example. I usually fill these ones out and it's paid off for me 4

Sekarang gimana cara mereka membayar kita?
1. Pake PayPal
2. Ada juga yang pake cek dikirimin ke alamat kita.
Buat yang belum punya akun paypal daftar di sini:
Tiap perusahaan mbayar dengan cara yang beda-beda, variasi dari keduanya. dan membayar ketika mencapai limit penghasilan, biasanya 20-50 dolar dan kita harus merequest pembayaran itu. Ada juga yang otomatis masuk PayPal kita.
Aku udah coba semua list yang ada di situs ini, kalo dikumpulin semua bisa lebih dari 300 perusahaan di seluruh dunia yang merekrut orang-orang untuk bergabung di online survey ini. Kebanyakan dari US dan Kanada. Sementara yang khusus melayani pasar internasional aja ada
188 perusahaan...!
Tapi percaya deh sama aku, aku udah nyoba daftar semuanya kemaren ini, sebagian link afiliasi-nya Mas ini, banyak yang broken.
Selain itu aku juga udah menyingkirkan sebagian perusahaan-perusahaan yang tok hanya menawarkan undian bulanan doang. Ngapain ngabis-ngabisin waktu cuman buat ikutan undian yang kemungkinan menangnya tipis banget, iya kan? Cek lagi aja, siapa tau ada yang kelewat.
Tapi kalo kamu ngotot pengen ikutan semuanya, nih link-nya
Buat kamu yang mau terus lewat sini :
1. Aku 100% gak menjamin kamu bisa dapat duit dari sini. Aku sendiri baru nyoba minggu kemaren. Baru dapat sekitar 10-an undangan survey.
2. Mas ini bilang dia udah cek semua perusahaan yang ada di list-nya. Katanya dia cuma ngasih yang bonafit aja, dan bukan scam. Tapi kita jangan terkecoh. Kita coba aja bareng-bareng, kedepannya kalo ada yang scam, atau ada temen yang udah pernah nyoba ternyata scam, cepat kasih komen di sini biar temen-temen lain yang baca posting ini ga ikut-ikutan buang-buang waktu.
3. Aku gak menjamin semua link disini nggak ada yang broken. Buat memudahkan kita semua, aku ngasih link langsung ke homepage-nya aja ato ke halaman sign-up. Bukan link-link afiliasi seperti yang dikasiin sama Mas ini.
Oke,... selamat mencoba.
Sesuai yang aku janjiin:
27 Komentar untuk "DAFTAR SURVEY BERBAYAR, 100% GRATIS"
Pertamax, mantap boss.. cobain dulu ya.. thx
mas tolong kasih tahu ya.. web survey yg mana yang udah terbkuti membayar.. thx
sudah pernah duit nyampai tangan lom Bos?
sob,, dah ada yang dibayar belum tah? saya mau ikutan deh.. tolong infokan ke saya ya.. lewat email juga tidak papa hehe.. terimakasih dan salam kenal.
Web survey mana yg tidak scam???..
saya rasa semuanya scam
karena kalau kita tertipu kita ga bisa nuntut
kalaupun kita mau nuntut kita ga punya modal buat nuntut..
ada update-tan yg baru ga fren..
ada yg tau web survey di indo yg oke ?
bagi2 donk kawan...
yang mau daftar ane punya link etiap singup dibayar $10 coba aja gan ..
kalo yang ini daftarnya cuma $7
Mantap Infonya Gan!!
Saya Punya Info Heboh Gan
Progam survey berbayar yang terbukti membayar sampai sekarang, saya sudah di bayar 3 kali, masing Rp.50,ribu 3x
Lansung aja baca di: http://ada-gratis.blogspot.com/2011/08/dapat-uang-gratis-dari-ipanelonline.html
ada bukti pembayaran dan tutorial survey
Make money online..Will provide everyone with one free website to earn money without investing money..the only thing you will invest will be your time...free for all your life..I make the money by following the principle..USE it and SHARE it..Following is the link:
nih gan ane ada yang terbukti membayar..
langsung aja daftar..
Nice info Gan..
nyoba dulu Ah...
ithinkpanel dan survey head koq sama ya... model dan bentuk cuman beda di tema warna aja... apa mungkin yang model kayak gini yang bisa ngasih duit...???
share informasinya bagus !!sekedar informasi ini gan link survey indonesia, yg menrutu sy lumayan bagus http://id.ipanelonline.com/register.html?inviter_id=1157091 pembayarannya menggunakan sistem point..
Boleh dibilang 99% web survey adalah SCAM. Kita daftar, dikasih proyek. Sesudah kita capek buat dan kirim, eh dibilang kita tidak qualified. Jadi tidak dpt bonus/uang. Ada lagi yg harus kasih bid/harga penawaran dulu. Dari pada ngarepin duit besar tapi akhirnya kecewa, lebih baik ikut PTC. Hasilnya memang cuma 1 sen dollar, tapi kalau dikumpulkan, dari sedikit lama2 jadi bukit.
Mau liat daftar yg legit,yg scam, yg sudah ditutup, yg meragukan .
Lihat di : netbusiness.com
thanks atas info nya bos..tp aq dah coba survey mixreq.com dan survey-faq.com...ini benar2 penipuan(scam)
Buat sobat blogger, survey yang 100% di jamin berbayar hanya di http://chat-onx.blogspot.com/2012/02/survey-berbayar.html
Sudah terbukti ???
Saya sudah nyoba id.ipanelonline ternyata alhamdullah dibayar...
yang scam mana gan
sobat coba disini
mantabs infonya Gan..
umm.. ada beberapa situs survey online yang asli membayar membernya, silahkan cek di koin_online
di sini bukan scam daftar gratis dapat uang $2.7/hari(26900/hari)
langsung aja daftar mumpung gratis bukan scam pula
disini saja no scam dapat uang $2,7/hari
ayo daftar gratis
kunjungi link di bawah ini
link ttg badan survey diatas scam kagak ?
aku suka blog ini kok ga pernah psting lagi?
Daftar disini aja broo asli no scam dan langsung masuk uang nya ke acount kita q sudah masuk 3$
Disini aja daftar broo ok http://www.AWSurveys.com?R=2258006
Bagi teman2 seperjuangan jangan ada yng ikut joint ke www.cashnit.com atau http://cashnit.com itu semua scam alias penipuan besar . data perusahaan yng asli nya tdk terdaftar bahkan sudah di ambil alih oleh perusahaan lain.alias bangkrut ! Admin tdk ada . mereka membuka line baru unt line Negara Asia dan Eropa dng menawarkan unt free member nya yng sangat tinggi sekali pendaftar baru mendapatkan uang sebanyak 25$.sedangkan si pembawa teman reff mendapat kan uang 10$ / orang. minim wd dpt di ambil setelah 300$ , tapi ternyata pada ahir nya kita tdk bisa mengambil / tranfer / mencairkan uang tersebut .percuma hanya sia2 dan membuang waktu dan tenaga kita unt mereka , silahkan buka aja di google ribuan komentar dari para member yng terlempar yng di sebabkan udah di upgrd dng tambahan nama baru .jadi ke banyakan dari mereka udah tdk bisa lagi unt login ..
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